
Mittwoch, 4. März 2015

Paedophile Linchpin Peter Righton ‘Carried Out sadistic Murder’

 Wednesday 04 March 2015

‘Police are assessing allegations that paedophile Peter Righton carried out a sadistic murder while living in hiding in a country estate in Suffolk.
A survivor of child sex abuse named “Darren”, to protect his identity, told Exaro and police how he witnessed a harrowing assault by a man named in parliament as being a linchpin in a paedophile ring that links to the top of British politics. Darren believes that the horrific attack on a man with Down’s Syndrome who had irritated Righton left the victim dead.’
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'Murder at Thornham Magna': Darren Relives Harrowing Scene

‘Andrew was lying on the ground between a pick up truck and a car when Darren arrived at a bizarre scene at Thornham Magna country estate.
Darren, not his real name, had been ordered to go to a parking area on the estate in Suffolk. He was a 15 year old lad in care who was sent to the secluded estate for work experience.
Andrew was a Down’s Syndrome sufferer, aged in his 30s according to Darren. Andrew had annoyed Peter Righton, the paedophile who supplied boys to politicians and other prominent people who had the run of the estate.’

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 By David Icke