
Freitag, 8. November 2013

*COMING SOON* Reunion with Inner Hollow Earth Ancient Civilization AGARTHANS From LeMUria!

Veröffentlicht am 08.11.2013
Holy Agartha... "The Halls of Amenti is a school, star gate, and cosmic energy vortex located in the exact center of the Earth on the Astral Plane. In The Halls of Amenti you will find a great assortment of Ascended Masters and Energy Beings teaching and tutoring rising Ascending Masters who have qualified for training in The Halls of Amenti. Amenti is also the supreme energy vortex of this planet and greatly sustains, upholds, and repairs the planet in every way. Students of Amenti are taught the ultimate mysteries of time, space, alchemy, and the nine dimensions. An unascended human could not enter The Halls of Amenti without being destroyed by the much higher vibrational frequency of Amenti. Thus, only the highest Ascending Humans can enter The Halls of Amenti and this serves as a perfect self-regulating device (which is no accident) and perfect self-regulating devices such as this exist throughout all worlds, times, planes, and dimensions of God's Omniverse. — with Angela Westwood and Radha Walker."

NEW GOVERNMENT & GALACTIC SOCIETY COMING!!! Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle Nov 05 2013

Retired Naval Intelligence Commander Mark Huber serves as a conduit for information from "Faction 3," the Earth allies who oppose the Rothschild (Faction 1) and Rockefeller (Faction 2) Illuminati cabals. He says that there are more than a hundred crystal cities in the Agartha Network. (2) The original founders were refugees fleeing the fall of Lemuria. (3)

Commander Huber reports that our family living in the crystal cities are higher-dimensional. When the entrances to Agartha are opened, the Inner Earth residents will be coming to the surface to assist terrestrials preparing for Ascension. (4)

The capital of Agartha is Shamballah. Other cities include Shangri-la, Telos, Mikos, Catharia, Petiti, and Mt. Shasta. At least one entranceway near the North Pole is now beginning to show up on undoctored Google Earth photos.

Agarthan cities are spread around ... or rather, inside ... the globe. Petiti lies under the Amazon jungle; Catharia, under the Aegean Sea; and Mt. Shasta, under the Nevada desert. (5)

An Agarthan communicator named "Mikos" describes his life in Catharia, 800 miles deeper than the bottom of the Aegean, off Greece's mainland.

"Here we reside in peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health and body and spirit. For living so deep inside the Earth has given us all we could ever dream of." (6)

The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti... "The Crystal Palace Within refers to the pineal gland because part of its structure is crystalline in nature. These small calcite crystals have piezoelectric properties that can respond to the higher realms of light. By activating these crystalline potentials within your pineal gland you open a portal to your Higher Mind, which can bring to you, and humanity, an influx of creativity, insight and solutions to personal and collective problems."

The Hollow Earth & Its Inhabitants by Jim Wilhelmsen

Our Universal Family November 8, 2013

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